Are you looking to save money on your grocery bill? According to the Government Accountability Office, from 2021-2022, U.S. retail food prices rose by 11% (the largest annual increase in over 40 years). With the high cost of food, sticking to a food budget and saving money can be challenging. But, with a few adjustments to your grocery budget, you can save money, and earn a little too with the wise use of a credit card.

How to Shop for Groceries on a Budget
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Spend Analyzer: Discover spend analyzer pulls in your purchase transactions into categories per MCC code. It does not include returns, balance transfers, cash advances, pending transactions or other MISC statement charges.
You earn rewards, called Cashback Bonus®, which is stored in your rewards balance and must be redeemed in order to spend. Cashback Bonus can be redeemed via statement credit, electronic deposit to a linked account, paying at select merchants, purchasing gift cards, or donating to charity.
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