A money order is one alternative you can use to make a payment instead of cash or check. Money orders can be a good option for those who don’t have a bank account. You can use a money order to securely send money to pay a bill and you can even send money internationally. Since money orders typically require that the payee present an ID before they can receive funds, money orders can often be a guaranteed way to make a payment.
According to the Office of Inspector General, there are usually limits on how much you can take out on a money order (typically no more than $1,000 to send withing the United States). So, if you need to pay for something that is a bit more costly than the limit, you may have to take out multiple money orders.
![A man stands at a counter window ready to buy a money order.](/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/card-smarts/2023/11/Money-Order-Image-Resized.jpg.transform/cs-medium/img.jpg)
Can You Buy a Money Order with a Credit Card?
Last Updated: December 4, 2024
4 min read
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