Discover Student Loans
Discover Student Loans

If you are having difficulty making your monthly payments, we may have options to help temporarily manage your student loan payments. This page provides an overview of those payment assistance options.

To determine if one of these options is right for you, and for eligibility requirements, please contact us at 1-800-STUDENT.

Payment Assistance Option What is it? Am I eligible?
Deferment A temporary postponement of monthly minimum payments for any of the following reasons: In School, Military Duty, California Active-Duty Reservists, Public Service, Residency/Fellowship. Borrower must be in a qualifying school enrollment, on active military duty, serving in a qualified public service organization, or participating in a medical residency/fellowship.
Early Repayment Assistance Program Temporarily postpone your monthly minimum payment for up to three bills. Certain loans may be eligible for borrowers and cosigners if within the first three months of the repayment period.
Payment Extension Program Bring your past due loan current by making 3 monthly minimum payments or the equivalent of 3 monthly minimum payments within the immediately preceding 3-month period. Certain loans may be eligible for borrowers and cosigners if the loan has been in repayment for more than six months; can only be applied once in a 12-month period and only twice in a 60-month period.

Hardship Forbearance


Temporarily postpone your monthly minimum payment. Certain loans may be eligible if the borrower is experiencing economic hardship.
Hardship Assistance Program Interest rate is temporarily reduced to lower your monthly minimum payment. Certain loans may be eligible if the borrower needs assistance with payments. Not all loan types are eligible.

Loan Forgiveness is available in the event of the permanent disability or death of a borrower (or the student for a parent loan).

To determine if one of these options is right for you, and for eligibility requirements, please contact us at 1-800-STUDENT.

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