
What’s your financial personality?

Answer six questions to see how your money beliefs shape how you spend and save.

Question 1 of 6

You’re at a dinner party and someone asks how much you make. What would you do?

Question 2 of 6

You’re about to do some spending. What’s your shopping philosophy?

Question 3 of 6

Think quick! What’s the first word you associate with “money”?

Question 4 of 6

Complete this sentence: People achieve wealth by...

Question 5 of 6

You suddenly start earning more money. You feel...

Question 6 of 6

It’s time for a new set of wheels. You...

We’re calculating your results!

Money Avoiders tend to avoid thinking about their finances. Money is out of sight, out of mind—and it’s easy to fall into this behavior when finances feel stressful and overwhelming. But if Money Avoiders take the time to regularly review their financial accounts, they can feel a burden lifted off their shoulders.

Take these six simple steps to reduce financial stress so you can understand how your money looks today and approach the future with confidence.

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This content is for illustrative and informational purposes only and may not apply to your individual circumstances.

Money Worshippers tend to focus on earning more money. But they may find that no matter how much they bring in, they aren’t finding the fulfillment they imagined. That’s very common. If Money Worshippers find the right inspiration, it can be easier to align their finances with their goals.

You can learn how others found their money motivation by reading up on three reasons to save more.

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This content is for illustrative and informational purposes only and may not apply to your individual circumstances.

Those with the Money Status personality may be tempted to splurge on flashy purchases. And that’s understandable. Impulse spending can offer a jolt of excitement in the short term. But those who relate to Money Status may find that the allure can eventually wear off.

It's fun to treat yourself every once in a while, but read this article to learn how to resist the temptation of some impulse buys so you may save that money instead.

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This content is for illustrative and informational purposes only and may not apply to your individual circumstances.

People with Money Vigilance may prioritize frugality and saving—both good things! Being diligent with your finances is a great goal, but those with a Money Vigilance personality occasionally need reminding that it’s okay to spend from time to time.

Read this article to learn when to save and when to spend to best manage frugality.

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This content is for illustrative and informational purposes only and may not apply to your individual circumstances.